How to remove picture background in Canva

Use Canva and say good bye to complicated backgrounds. Follow our easy to do guideline and get stunning results.

By Brian Dean- publish on march 08, 2023

The background of an image plays a vital role in the presentation of a quality picture. Plain or transparent background sustains the subject harmony, alignment and consistency. On the other hand, images with unwanted elements in the background affect visibility. 

Removing the background of an image empowers visual capability. It creates a versatility that you can use in various ways. Hence it is necessary to get rid of the complicated background to portray the best version. 

A common issue with removing background is that most people are unaware of how to use designing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP etc. But, this does not mean that there are no alternatives - or one cannot remove the background of a photo!

Canva is an amazing tool which helps millions of people worldwide. People who are not familiar with using pro image editing softwares can use Canva to make graphics at scale. In this article, I will walk you through the process of removing background from an image using Canva.

But before I tell you this, let’s learn how things work when you use Canva!

How canva works?

Canva is a cloud-based platform that works with the availability of internet connection. It allows you to create unique designs and professional looks. But there is still a confusion, "how it works"?

The simple answer is that canva is available free online that facilitates various opportunities. Premium version is also available, but it charges a little bit. Pro-canva is the best way to save money and time by removing the image's background

Have you heard before that canva supports images, files, documents and videos. It offers you free access to create a wide variety of visual content for official websites, logos, templates, blogs and professional usage. 

This is how canva automatically works and increases visual capabilities. It provides a wide range of tools that help you to produce professional designs. Let's give it a try to change ordinary images and boost the picture quality. 

How to remove the background of a picture in canva?

There is a simple process by which you can easily remove the background of a photo in canva. It is necessary because removing background adds deep focus on the main subject. So canva is the best choice for you. It is user friendly and provides a simple trick to remove the background. 

Three main options to remove the background of the image in canva are:

The above mentioned options are free ways to remove the complex background of the picture. 

Step-by-step process to remove the background of the image in Canva

Canva is easy to use, edit, redesign and collaborate on to transform the image. Here is a step-by-step process to remove the background of the picture are:

  • Upload the picture
  • Remove the background
  • Refine the picture
  • Save and download the picture

1. Upload the picture

Before uploading the picture, you need to create your account on canva. Sign in to the account and go to the home page. Try canva pro free trials. 

Click on the right corner of the page to select the removing tool category. After completing the basic procedure, let's move forward to the next step. 

  1. A process to upload a picture on canva to get rid of the complicated background are:
  2. Click on the left side of the screen to open the "upload tab" in canva.
  3. Click on the "upload" button by using the cursor.
  4. Choose the image you want to edit.
  5. You can upload the image directly through the gallery or by pasting the URL.
  6. Once you upload the image, canva automatically accepts it.
  7. You can also drag and drop the image file to the design canva.

You must be aware of another thing before uploading the picture, which is the selection of a picture format. Canva supports all types of picture formats. But the recommended picture file format to transform depends on its purpose to use. 

Some recommended image file formats for canva are:

  1. JPEG
  2. PNG
  3. SVG
  4. PDF

2. Remove the background

After successfully uploading the picture in canva, let's move towards the next step. To remove the background of an image, select the background remover tool from the kit. 

  1. A simple step to reach the background remover tool in canva are:
  2. Go to the top of the menu bar and click on the "effects button".
  3. Select the bg remover from tools.
  4. Apply the tool to the picture.
  5. Adjust the bg remover tool according to the picture.
  6. Canva automatically removes the background from your image.
  7. You can preview the result at this stage and see the differences compared to the original image. 
  8. If you are satisfied with the final result, click on the image to save it in the gallery.

Tip: Once you go to the canva effects, see the image results after clicking on the eye icon next to the original picture. At this point you can change the tool and adjust it according to its complexity. And then, click on the tool to remove the background efficiently.

3. Refine the picture

When you select the bg remover tool, the next step is to refine the picture. It is all based on your choice of editing. If you find any complexity in the final results of the image, you can adjust or refine it. 

The simple steps of refining the image after removing the background are:

  1. Click on the effects button for further editing. 
  2. Select the brightness, sharpen or contrast tool to enhance the visual quality.
  3. Apply the sharpness and adjust the effects.
  4. You can also use the eraser or crop tool to remove unnecessary elements.
  5. Refine the picture and make it look more professional, appealing and high in quality.

Tip: If anything accidentally removes from the background, you can restore it. A simple click on the restore button brings back the original image. It is also possible to erase the extra edges or excess material at this point. 

4. Save and download the picture

Once you become satisfied with the final results of removing the unwanted background and refining. The next process is to get the final image. 

To save the edited picture in canva, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the download button in the top right corner of the canva.
  2. Go to the dropdown menu and select the recommended file format.
  3. Canva supports many file formats, such as PNG, JPG, SVG and PDF.
  4. Click on the download button, and canva automatically starts downloading.
  5. Once the downloading completes, the image will save in the default location.
  6. Now you can use the edited picture in canva for various other resources.

Tip: Choose the quality of the picture before downloading the file. Because the higher quality of the picture is directly related to the size of the image. So when the quality increases it automatically increases the file size. 

You can also remove the background from JPG image via our JPG image background remover tool. 


Removing background through canva is the most popular way in photo editing software. It adds magic and recreates the picture quality. Removing the image background is accomplished within a few steps. 

Each step has various properties that help you blend your image into any design. Clear images are far better at portraying the subject than a complex background. Canva is the best platform for professionals as well as for graphic designers. You can easily design and create images for everyone. 

It maintains picture accuracy and available worldwide. It elevates your pictures in quality and creates new designs. 

I hope you get the full knowledge of canva and its uses. Now, you can confidently try it to remove the background from your images.